Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Week 2

Last week was a very busy week. The IMU is currently in a state of disrepair and we are waiting on a reply from the manufacture to see if it is covered under warranty, or if we need to buy another. We have managed to get all machining done for the Motor Thurst Torque test stand thanks to Gene. 
When we went to the Expo, we learned that there was a design flaw with the stand and that we wouldn't be measuring the force correctly. Cody already knows how he is going to change the stand so that we do achieve proper measurements of the forces.
In the past week I have put in over 50 Hours (excluding driving ~15 Hours). It put a very big toll on my body to be able to dedicate that much time into the project in one week.
Before my next update I want to have the motors tested, graphed and ready to add their coefficients into the stabilization algorithm. I would also like to have the report up to speed on where we are in the project.