Saturday, March 31, 2012

Anzhelka Rev A boards have ARRIVED!

After a full 30 days of waiting the REV A Quad Rotor boards have arrived! Just as a reminder these boards were ordered through IteadStudio's PCB Prototyping services. Taking my first look at these boards I get a sense success in having a physical entity. It is really hard to see if all the traces are connected because of the white solder mask, but when I do the electrical testing on Monday I should be able to easily determine that. Solder mask looks decent, but the smaller fonts and text didnt come out at all. As some of you guys may know, there was atleast one major thing that was forgotten on this rendition of the board, Gound Plane. This has been fixed in the diagrams for Rev B. I also  forgot to add a resistor on the DOUT pin of the MCP3208. Both of these issues should not contribute to any serious problems with this board.  Take a look at the photos below.

Final thoughts
 If you are in a time crunch to get a set of boards, I would highly NOT recommend getting your boards through IteadStudio. I also placed an order for some PCB's from SeeedStudio a week later and received them on the same day at twice the quantity and for only about $10 more.

Stay tuned in the days to come. There is going to be lots of soldering work on the way. :)