With a brushless motor, we have a new option: monitoring the control pulses. A brushless motor has three control lines that go into the motor, and to make the motor spin the lines are pulsed in a specific order. The timing of the pulses determine the speed of the motor, and the pulses must match the position of the motor rotor. Modern brushless motor controller chips (ESCs: Electronic Speed Controllers) have circuitry built into them that can automatically sense the position of the motor rotor and which could, in theory, be used by a host microcontroller to determine motor rotation speed. Unfortunately, most ESCs don't provide this sort of information to a host, so we'll have to measure the pulses directly and infer from the control pulses instead.
By taping into a brushless motor control wire we connect to the circuit show below. In that figure, each arrow is a pulse sent by the ESC to the motor, and each pulse is sent once per rotation. Now, imagine our RPM sensor has a tap right at the B marker. Pulses 1,4,2, and 5 all pass through B, so that's 4 pulses per rotation. For the remaining two pulses 3 and 6, the ESC sets B to be high impedance (ie unconnected). But for pulses 3 and 6 there is still a detectable pulse on B simply because a high impedance input can "skip" the b coil and measure the voltage at com, which has a pulse. With that, a single rotor revolution produces 6 measurable pulses.
In the above image, there are two magnetic poles. I suspect that if there were four magnetic poles the sensor would produce twice any many pulses, if there were six poles it would produce three times as many, and so on. I don't have a motor to test this on, but this is an interesting thread on the RCgroups forum that has a custom circuit to measure brushless RPM.
Anyway, this is my current theory on why the number of pulses have to be divided by 6. I've also heard that outrunner motors have 6 poles, so that may be why. I'll have to take apart a motor and take a look at it to see what's up.
The Eagle Tree Brushless RPM sensor is the only ready made solution on the market. It's a very small device, priced at about $12 a piece, and it can sense the rotation rate of a single motor. It converts the brushless motor signals to a series of pulses where each pulse is equivelent to a rotation. We don't measure the signal directly from a brushless motor control line because there are very high voltages and back EMF from the motor, all creating a very nasty environment for our 3.3v microcontroller. So we use the Eagle Tree sensors instead.
The only Propeller source code that I could find came from a single forum post here. The code is under documented and very minimal, but it works. For the rest of this post I will analyze the object and show how it is used. I have attached a condensed version of the source code to the end of this post.
First, the circuit. In the object, it says
Connect black to 3.3V, red to Gnd, white to prop pin
And yes, it does work the way it is written. Despite going against standard color coding conventions, the red line is connected to ground and the black is to 3.3v (the Propeller VDD).The object times the number of clock cycles between rising edges of a pulse, and stores this value in the Pins[n] variable. Most users probably don't care about the absolute time, so the getrps function will return the rotations per second of the specified channel. This function accounts for the six pulses per revolution, and the current system clock rate. It could be sped up a bit by making the division and multiplication done in assembly.
As currently written, the object supports up to 8 sensors, and regardless of how many you use the update time (minimum delta clock) will be the same since the code runs through the entire sequence on every iteration. You can remove the unused code, or if you have more than 8 motors (wow!) you can add more copies without too much loss of precision.
The (nearly complete) object. For the original, check out post four of this thread. For the latest and greatest, check out code.anzhelka.com.
Mhz = (80+10) ' System clock frequency in Mhz. + init instructions
long Cog
long Pins[8]
long PinShift
long PinMask
PUB setpins(_pinmask)
'' Set pinmask for active input pins [­0..31]
'' Example: setpins(10_1001) to read from pin 0, 3 and 5
PinMask := _pinmask
PinShift := 0
repeat 32
if _pinmask & 1
_pinmask >>= 1
PUB start : sstatus
--- etc.
PUB stop
--- etc.
PUB getpinptr
return @Pins
PUB getrpm(i) | delta
--- etc.
PUB getrps(i) | delta
'' Get the RPS of motor i (by index, not pin number)
'' Valid index range is 0-7
'' Returns -1 when no valid data
if i > 7 OR i < 0 'Check Range
return -1
delta := Pins[­i]
if delta == 0
return -1
return (clkfreq / (delta*6))
org 0
INIT mov p1, par ' Get data pointer
add p1, #4*8 ' Point to PinShift
rdlong shift, p1 ' Read PinShift
add p1, #4
rdlong pin_mask, p1 ' Read PinMask
andn dira, pin_mask ' Set input pins
:loop mov d2, d1 ' Store previous pin status
waitpne d1, pin_mask ' Wait for change on pins
mov d1, ina ' Get new pin status
mov c1, cnt ' Store change cnt
and d1, pin_mask ' Remove unrelevant pin changes
shr d1, shift ' Get relevant pins in 8 LSB
d2 1100
d1 1010
!d2 0011
&d1 1010
= 0010 POS edge
' Mask for POS edge changes
mov d3, d1
andn d3, d2
:POS 'tjz d3, #:loop ' Skip if no POS edge changes
mov p1, par ' Hub variable address
'Pin 0
test d3, #00_0001 wz ' Change on pin?
mov d4, c1 ' Copy :loop count value to d4
sub d4, pe0 ' Subtract old count value from new count value ( delta(cv) = d4 - peo )
' If pos change:
if_nz cmp d4, mintim wc ' -> write c if d4 (delta count value) is less than minimum time
if_nz_and_nc wrlong d4, p1 ' -> write the delta count value to the hub if greater than minimum time
if_nz_and_nc mov pe0, c1 ' -> Store POS edge change cnt (system clk time, not delta)
' If no pos change:
if_z cmp d4, maxtim wc ' -> write c if d4 (count value) is less than maximum time
if_z_and_nc wrlong zero, p1 ' -> write zero to the hub if greater than maximum time
'Pin 1
add p1, #4
test d3, #00_0010 wz ' ...
mov d4, c1
sub d4, pe1
if_nz cmp d4, mintim wc
if_nz_and_nc wrlong d4, p1
if_nz_and_nc mov pe1, c1
if_z cmp d4, maxtim wc
if_z_and_nc wrlong zero, p1
'Pin 2
add p1, #4
test d3, #00_0100 wz
mov d4, c1
sub d4, pe2
if_nz cmp d4, mintim wc
if_nz_and_nc wrlong d4, p1
if_nz_and_nc mov pe2, c1
if_z cmp d4, maxtim wc
if_z_and_nc wrlong zero, p1
'Pin 3
--- etc.
jmp #:loop
fit Mhz ' Check for at least 1µs resolution with current clock speed
mintim long 3000
maxtim long 10_000_000
pin_mask long 00_0000
shift long 0
c1 long 0
d1 long 0
d2 long 0
d3 long 0
d4 long 0
p1 long 0
pe0 long 0
pe1 long 0
pe2 long 0
pe3 long 0
pe4 long 0
pe5 long 0
pe6 long 0
pe7 long 0
zero long 0
FIT 496