Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Autorouting beyond Eagle

So I have been using Eagle for quite some time, however I have never really had the need to use the auto router function due to my uncomplicated small boards. As I have been walking through this journey to get the PowerBoard completed for the quad copter I have run into lots and lots of problems. Some seen and some unseen. I would just like to focus on one of those today.
Autorouting is a neat and awesome feature because you have to do little to no work and computer does all the thinking for you, but is Eagle's Autorouter all that great? I would have to say that it is okay at best. Once you have gotten X amount of components per inch it is so bad it is nearly unusable.

Before any routing.

After Eagle's Autorouter. ~30seconds

So what else is out there? After reading through some forums I found a program called FreeRouting. After reading the Freerouting Eagle User tutorial I was stuck dead in the water. Their brd_to_dsn.ulp file did not work within Eagle 6.1, so some digging was in order. Here is a link to the file that will allow you to use FreeRouting in Eagle 6.1. This program has many benefits but at a price, computation.


  • Routes pins that Eagle gets stuck on
  • Professional look
  • Cross Platform
  • Free
  • Not Open source
  • You have to have internet access
  • Runs on Java6
  • Doesn't seem to be Multithreaded
  • Takes much much longer than Eagle Autorouter
So is it worth all the extra computational power and time?  I believe that it is, but I will let you be the judge of that.

As of right now I have been routing the board pictured above for the last 2 hours and FreeRouting is still chumming away. I will post a picture as soon as it has completed.


Just finished the auto routing in FreeRouting... if you were counting it has been about 5.5Hours, but look at the difference.