Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Meta Software Report

Over the past week I have gotten the Git repository, blog, and other metadata management tools up and running. Learning Git has taken longer than I expected, but I think it will pay off in the long run. Instead of wondering what other members of the team are up to all you have to do is look at the repository, and all the changes are listed there neatly and in order. With the source code control I can efficiently test out new ideas without affecting the master branch. If the idea works than I can merge it back into the master branch, and if it fails then I can discard the branch without any change to the master. That is the power of source code control.

In addition, by hosting our project on a proper project management site we get all the additional features: a central repository, a useful wiki, a bug tracking feature, and more. Good organization is one of the most useful features of a project, and we now have the framework for the rest of the year. Thirty hours later and it's up and running smoothly.

The next step is to begin working on the Spin code for the MPU-6050 Eval board. I put it off in the last week in order to get git up and running, but now that the dust is settling it's time to get coding. It will be challenging to figure out the model and representation necessary to get flying, but that's a week or two out anyway.